Friday 6 December 2013

The PA's Posts!!!!- My course progress

My PA course

As promised in my last blog, this is the first post about my PA course! I hope you find it interesting!

I am really enjoying my course, I have only been going once a week for the last 6 weeks and I have already learnt so much!

As I have said before I really wanted this job for a variety of reasons one of them was that I was offered the opportunity to further my skills and get a diploma which really was the cherry on top!! After a few weeks adjusting to full-time work and adapting to my role, I went to the centre I would be learning my diploma in, and an even bigger bonus is that the location is fairly local to me with an easy journey! Once I got there I met the lovely trainers and was shown around the centre…. Well I say centre but it is more like a huge room full of computers, none the less I was impressed especially as it is fully equipped with a kitchen where I can help myself to tea and coffee throughout the day, which is perfect for me as I am a huge tea addict!!.

When I was there, I enrolled and was given my first workbook and a demonstration on how the courses work, to explain they are all self-paced. All the lectures are audio based, so you can work at whatever speed suits you!

I have to say I was really impressed with everything and it was a no-brainer when I was given the choice to either start the course there and then or come back next week to start, of course I started then! My first course was all about Word 2010, it consisted of 10 lessons of about 1 hour and half each and during my first session I got stuck in and completed about half of them, I have to say I found them really interesting, I’ve used Word throughout my life and knew a fair amount before I started, so needless to say when I was being taught to scroll down a document and key in words, there was a voice in my head shouting “YOU ALREADY KNOW THIS!!!”, however I stuck with it and as the lessons went on they got more complex and I must admit I learnt a few features I didn’t even know Word 2010 had!

I honestly am enjoying the diploma, at the moment I feel I am flying through as since I started the course and got round to writing this post, I have already passed the first course (Word 2010) with a DISTINCTION!, and done the final test for the second course I studied for which was Word 2010 Expert! Hopefully if I pass this too and I may be referred to as Katie, the Word 2010 Expert!!

After the brain- exhausting exam, I was a good student and went straight onto the my next course which is PowerPoint 2010, I feel pretty confident in this, I am more than capable of creating presentation however I am looking forward to learning the features I have never used before!

I have a long way to go but I really feel I have made a good start and like I said I am enjoying learning the courses. For the last 6 weeks I have also been practicing my touch-typing, and It has really helped, I am typing quicker than before which will help in my job, and once I feel really confident that I can do it without much fault, I will be doing a test in that, so watch this space !!
I will keep you updated with my results and experiences and this time next year, if everything goes to plan I will be a fully qualified Executive PA!!!

Thanks for Reading
Happy December!


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