Hello… It’s been a while!

A lot has
happened since the last blog so to refresh your memory:
We are
still graced by the presence of the Lovely Fiona, Ajay and Todd of whom you will remember from previous
Of course Derek
is still around but at this time I should also introduce Fabrizio.
To explain,
one of the reasons I am updating the blog is to link our other company Objektum
Modernization, http://www.objektum-modernization.com/.
This is where Fabrizio comes into the equation, he works in collaboration with
Derek and despite being based in Italy, together they created Objektum
Modernization, a fantastic company that provides the expertise and technology
required to maintain and modernize legacy software applications.
This is also
where I come in, I am Derek and Fabrizio’s PA Katie. I am one of the new
members of the team I started at the beginning of October but our newest member
is Damian,
he started only a few weeks ago. He is our talented graphic designer that along
with other tasks, will be changing the look and feel of Objektum Modernization,
including our blog, so watch this space!
person to introduce would be Stefano (Stef), like Todd he is very technical
and works upstairs with him on developing our products and other stuff I don’t
And last
but not least, I introduce Rupert. He started in August this year as part
of the Sales team and like me he is having to adapt to the Technical language
as it is Alien to us both!
So this is
the team!... hopefully you will be able
to know who I am talking about in future blog posts and after all these
introductions, we all welcome you to “The Technical Diaries”.

I have been
having a think for what our first blog should be about, a lot of ideas have
crossed my mind but after much thought what a better way to start the blog than
with the day we all wore Fake Moustaches.
On Friday 1st
November, in support of “Mo”vember, we wore them with pride! It was a rather
hilarious sight, if I say so myself! Everybody looked fantastic but I would
have to say that Stefano wore his so well, he really suited it and we all feel
he should think about growing that style for real.
A Few of us in a meeting that day! Was quite a
challenge to stay serious when everybody looked like this!
(Left to right: Katie, Fabrizio, Todd, Rupert
and Stef.)
Friday’s are fantastic days but add cake and fake moustaches
and it becomes a rather EPIC day!!...
Thanks for reading my first blog !
Katie :)
Thanks for reading my first blog !
Katie :)
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