Visual Basic 6 (VB6) was created by Microsoft
in 1998 and was designed to be easy to learn and use. VB6 has a strong history of
being the first language employed by developers to grasp programming concepts. But
its uses go much further than that as VB6 is very much alive and well and being
utilised by businesses of varying sizes. Microsoft ceased their support for VB6
in March 2008 and the designated successor was Visual Basic.NET. Despite this,
a vast amount of enterprises are still reliant on VB6 applications and a demand
still exists to support the legacy language. There are many legacy applications
written in VB6 and Objektum is proud to support this with our extensive
training programme. We can help you to fully comprehend your existing legacy application.
Further information can be found here on our website.
If your requirement is to maintain or modernize your
VB6 application, then we have developed LegacyExplorer technology to help you
gain insight and plan the migration activities. Objektum’s Legacy
Explorer is configured to parse VB6 and enables management, engineers and
analysts to fully understand their software application both in terms of
capabilities and legacy VB6 code structure. Equipped with this vital knowledge
of the application, enterprises are able to migrate their VB6 applications. Once
the application is modernised, it can be maintained and enhanced to support
changing business demands.
We will be continuing our support of legacy
application by re-launching other programming courses in languages such as
COBOL, RPG, FOXPRO etc. Watch this space for further information.
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