I first came to Objektum Solutions with next to no knowledge of software or programming. I spent the last year working for a small web design and development company building different type of websites for clients. I moved to Objektum Solutions with the intent to learn and further develop my skills in web design and development.
This took a huge turn when I spent the first week at Objektum Solutions surrounded by programmers and software engineers.
My interest for programming started from there. I was amazed with everything that they were talking about even though I had almost no idea what they were on about! I had a conversation with Derek, our Technical Director, about what I was going to do over the coming months and I mentioned that I was very interested in learning a programming language and would love to get involved with it. He had no hesitation in giving me his personal books and said where to start. Since then I have been continuing with the web design and development but also learning Visual Basic.Net. So far in my first month I have learnt how to make small but functional programs such as a program that simply adds numbers together, to what I learnt today was my first recursive program. I was given the task of creating a program which would work out and give the result of the factorials of a number.
Derek then gave me a short but very beneficial lesson on numeral systems, teaching me the basics of how binary and hexadecimal systems work. Derek and I believe that knowing how these systems work is a fundamental part of my learning and knowing how to use them will be extremely beneficial later on in my journey of learning how to program.